Wednesday, 31 July 2013

NP Šumava #3 - Geocaching day

On the third day we decided to hunt for a geocache dedicated to Svatý Vintíř, local hermit from 11th century. I've never heard of him before but in Šumava we encountered his name many times every day.
This geocache is located near a village called Dobrá voda (in English "Good water") which was quite far and there were more geocaches on our way, so we started our trip as soon as we ate our breakfast. In total we walked about 20 km that day and found 5 geocaches.

The first stop was a forgotten Jewish cemetary in woods. If there wasn't a cache dedicated to it I wouldn't know about its existence. I believe not many people know, the cemetery has already almost disappeared. There is just a wooden memorial and a sheet of paper with text in Czech and Hebrew left.

The hiding place was classic.

The cemetery was near a village called Hartmanice in which we stopped to refresh ourselves. Aussie tried Kozel, local beer.

Another geocache lead us to the small synagogue in Hartmanice.

A piece of Aussie's culture- didgeridoo concert! Bad we missed it.

The synagogue.

Aussie resting at the fountain.

Then we walked long time throught the forest where was also hidden a geocache.

And a hayrack Aussie quite enjoyed :D

We also saw a female Urocerus giga laying her eggs into a log.

Dobrá voda welcomed us with a memorable tree. It's a village with just a few houses and a church, technically abandoned because not long ago it was a military area. My dad did his military service there and he said in the church they had the storeroom of targets. Good it's over.

Dobrá voda is connected with Vintíř. The dominant building is probably this small chaple with Vintíř's spring after which is the village named.

Only me and Aussie tasted it and we both think the water wasn't so good.

The House of St. Vintíř- a hotel.

There was a cache near Dobrá voda's cemetery (why are most of the caches in Šumava at cemeteries? :D)

The Vintíř's cache- our actual goal- was just a few kilometers from Dobrá voda. It was a mystery cache and we didn't know what to expect from the coordinates we were given. After a few minutes of wandering in the forest Aussie found this innocent looking polypore...

...which wasn't polypore at all! There was a wooden chest with a puzzle hidden in it. We solved out the coordinates quite quickly and, enthusiastic, continued on our way in Vintíř's footsteps :)

After another 2 kilometers it lead us to a chalpe of Vintíř near the cave he used to live in.

This container was the hardest one that day. It was simply under a rock- but there were milions of rocks!

Our way home lead again through Hartmanice where we stopped in a pub and had a late lunch (4 PM) with refreshing Kofola.

Fried cheese- not a very elegant food but typical for trippers- and after many kilometers very satisfying :)

We came home about at 6 PM and spent the rest of day reading and relaxing- what a good day :)

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